When it comes to Walt Disney World, there are millions of questions asked every single day, and as a former multiple-time Cast Member, I’m familiar with just about all of them.
The Cast Members at Epcot come from all walks of life and from numerous countries throughout the world. The different cultures can sometimes mix things up when coming in contact with one another, but there are some things that get on the nerves of just about everyone…and it is being asked the same questions over and over again.
Mind you, being a Cast Member is their job and they are hopelessly outnumbered so they meet 1,000 people a day, if not more. Still, there are many questions that Epcot Cast Members are sick of being asked and here are the Top 10.
1.) “Hey…hey…can you take a pic of me ‘holding’ the ball? Do I have it? Looks cool, huh?”
2.) “Are you really from China (Japan, Mexico, etc…)?”
3.) “Those fish in the living seas look….are they real?”
4.) At guest services – “Why don’t your people in those different countries speak better English?”
5.) “Is there a ride in there?” – (Pointing at Spaceship Earth)
6.) “We don’t really have to wait in this line to see Anna and Elsa, do we?”
7.) “When did Disney get the rights to Barney the purple dinosaur?”
8.) “Is that ‘Drinking Around the World’ thing free?”
9.) “I know the countries open at 11:00 a.m….but what time can I go to Italy?”
10.) “Do you really fly on Soarin’?”
— Please remember that this is all in fun and meant to be humorous. Let’s not be so serious —
Well I kinda offend with this bc if they are getting paid an I know good money is being paid I don’t feel they should be making complaint bc this is there job but then maybe Disney needs to stop upping prices an play less so they can fin something different to make complaints about !!! Or maybe they need a new job
It’s an article that is all in fun. No-one is complaining and its a humor article. Not meant to be taken seriously. And Disney raises prices because they are a business. They can’t not continue upkeep and adding new things to the parks.
Just a FYI, they are not paid that well, unless they are management. The college program does not pay hardly anything, but a good experience.
Agreed. Two college programs here and goodness knows I did not join up for the money. And just because one works in a theme park (CP or not), doesn’t mean they are paid “well.”
Yeah, when I worked as an attractions hostess, I made a little above minimum wage. I commuted 65 miles each way to work at the parks for a sometimes 4 hour shift. I did it because I loved it. Working at Disney was the only item on my bucket list.
Uhm we make minimum wage at Disney and no one is complaining. Its far from play all the time, you may play when you get to Disney but we put in long hours to make sure you have a great experience.
Thank you.
You’re an idiot. This offends you? The fact that you’re breathing my air offends ME. None of us makes “good money” especially for putting up with baboons like you. We don’t work there for the money…we work there because we believe in the magic of the product. We bust our ass to make sure you have an amazing experience every time You come. Though, I agree…this list is ridiculous…I’m a 15 year EWDW Cast Member and I’ve never been asked any of these questions. But seriously…think before you post.
Funny! I don’t work there, but have heard some of these questions myself. I get aggravated and give a big eye roll when I hear them while visiting. I can’t imagine working there and hearing them often. LOL
It’s amazing what happens at Disney Parks, Jenny. Especially when you are there everyday and get to experience them all the time. You’ll hear and see things that you’d never expect.