On Tuesday morning (April 28, 2020), the Orange County Florida Economic Recovery Task Force had a meeting regarding reopening. In the meeting, a number of initial guidelines for the reopening of theme parks such as Walt Disney World were revealed.
During the meeting, the guidelines revealed are the first draft of how things may be done for the reopening of restaurants, hotels/resorts, and theme parks (large and small). Differences are expected to be made between smaller theme parks and large theme parks, but those still need to be completed.
Mayor Demmings did say that he believes a reopening in June is very realistic, and that May is likely going to be used to supply chain issues. Here are some of the guidelines released from the first meeting.
Large Theme Parks – Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando, etc…
- Cast/Team Members will randomly and regularly wipe down all surfaces
- Ride and attraction queues will have tape markings to keep guests six (6) feet apart
- Seniors who are 65+ are encouraged to stay home during Phases 1 and 2
- Touchless hand sanitizer devices at every ride and attraction entry and exit
- Touchless hand sanitizer devices at every ticket entry/turnstile
- All surface and railings are to be wiped down and cleaned regularly
- All employees are required to wear a facemask
- All employees will have temperature checks prior to start of shift – Temperatures of 100.4 or greater will not be allowed entry
- Phase 1 – Parks will reopen at 50% capacity
- Phase 2 – Parks will be allowed to reopen at 75% capacity
Small Theme Parks – Gatorland, FunSpot, etc…
- Cast/Team Members will randomly and regularly wipe down all surfaces
- Ride and attraction queues will have tape markings to keep guests six (6) feet apart
- Seniors who are 65+ are encouraged to stay home during Phases 1 and 2
- Touchless hand sanitizer devices at every ride and attraction entry and exit
- Touchless hand sanitizer devices at every ticket entry/turnstile
- All surface and railings are to be wiped down and cleaned regularly
- All employees are required to wear a facemask
- All employees will have temperature checks prior to start of shift – Temperatures of 100.4 or greater will not be allowed entry
- Phase 1 – Parks will reopen at 50% capacity
- Phase 2 – Parks will be allowed to reopen at 75% capacity
- Mobile check-in, if available (Phase 1)
- Housekeeping will be limited to have minimal contact between guests and employees (Phase 1)
- Housekeeping only upon request and when guests check-out/leave (Phase 1)
- Offer/provide self-parking (Phase 1)
- If not in an essential role in serving guests, allow employees to work from home (Phase 1)
- Room-service delivered to guest’s doors only/contactless (Phase 1)
- Continued practice of social distancing
- Touchless hand sanitizer devices at all entries and exits (recommended)
- Cleaning services increased through sanitation companies
- Seniors who are 65+ are encouraged to stay home during Phases 1 and 2
- All surface and railings are to be wiped down and cleaned regularly
- All employees are required to wear a facemask
- All employees will have temperature checks prior to start of shift – Temperatures of 100.4 or greater will not be allowed entry
- Hand sanitizer must be visible at all entries and exits
- Any employee with flu-like symptoms must remain at home
- Front desk will sanitize all areas regularly and have sneeze guards in place
- Mini bars in each room will not be stocked
- Self-food services not offered
- Pool furniture must be spaced by social distancing guidelines
- Sanitize all door handles, elevator buttons, railings, surfaces, bell carts, and door keys regularly
- Coffee makers removed from all guest rooms
- All collateral items (unless single use) removed from guest rooms
- No conferences/meetings (Phases 1 and 2)
- Encourage online and takeout orders as often as possible
- Disposable and paper menus
- Touchless hand sanitizer devices at entries and exits
- Seniors who are 65+ are encouraged to stay home during Phases 1 and 2
- All surface and railings are to be wiped down and cleaned regularly
- Hand sanitizer at every table
- All employees are required to wear a facemask
- All employees will have temperature checks prior to start of shift – Temperatures of 100.4 or greater will not be allowed entry
- Any employee with flu-like symptoms must remain at home
- Doors and door handles must be wiped down and sanitized regularly
- All staff members behind counters (except bartenders) must wear gloves
- Bartenders must sanitize hands after each drink order
- Tables must be placed at least six (6) feet apart to keep with social distancing guidelines
- Phase 1 – Restaurant and bar limited to 50% capacity
- Phase 2 – Restaurant and bar limited to 75% capacity
PLEASE NOTE that these are not the definitive guidelines for the reopening of the parks. This is the initial set of them and things could change before the final version is released.
ALSO, there is still no date for the reopening of the parks and we are awaiting that at this time.
Make sure to get in touch with My Mickey Vacation Travel so they can give you even more details and take all the stress out of planning to create the magic for you.
They will make sure to connect all the dots and get everything in order for your next Disney Cruise Line, Walt Disney World, Disneyland, or any Disney Destination vacation while saving you time, stress, and money.
Join the “I’m So Disney…” group on Facebook to discuss this and many other Disney things with anyone and everyone. Be sure to follow Doctor Disney on Twitter and Instagram as well.
Shouldn’t theme park workers who display flu symptoms stay home? Hotel employees are required to follow that guideline.
Finally, some common sense approaches! May opening would be better than June!
If cast members over age of 65 are asked not to come to work, Disney will need to hire a bunch on new folks. There are a lot of us 65+ folks still working and enjoy doing our job and are dependable cast members.
I believe opening June 1st is doable. But Florida residents only for 1st month should be a must. Use your common sense and stay safe and have fun.
Love the Mouse!
I’m a vacation club member and I pay taxes to use Disney so I want my plates and coffee maker in my room. Restricting of 65 years old or older is disrespectful to them and personally you will have to test everyone who comes into the parks not just employees.If I don’t get my cleaning service I won’t have to pay taxes for them? Can’t wait to see the response to my questions.
It reads 65+ are encouraged to stay home. That is not a requirement and I think it is meant to be a precaution but still allows the guest to make the decision for themselves and in the best interest of their family.
All guest should wear face mask as well. Especially inside resorts at restaurants and bars. The guest were coughing all over before it closes! If both parties wear mask it significantly reduces chances of spreading the virus to 1.5% .
I’m still waiting for someone to design a mask
with a Velcro closure to access mouth for eating and drinking! , because I agree we should mask as much as possible.
I do not think it’s a disrespect to keep 65+ home during phase 1 because it’s for their benefit.. so they can be safe. Remember when this first started out the elderly had to take precautions or be advised to stay home. Disney wants to start first to see how this starts out then they can go back to work.
I agree and hope that this all calms down soon. I like the gradual opening and think it’s safe and smart. I can see where folks are annoyed that they pay taxes but won’t get the benefits of all of the things. But really? Keep in mind that they’re doing this for your safety. If you don’t like it, don’t go. I can understand both sides of the fence. But let them do what they think is necessary before everyone starts barking orders or demanding things.
I love the mouse and am happy that they’re taking these precautions to being magic back to the world.
So, just asking if they will be reducing the amenities will they be reducing the prices also? Or are they going to go up because of all the cleaning they will be doing? Just being curious
A gradual reopening is good and taking the temperatures of employees before they enter park for work is great but I think that the guests and visitors entering the park should have their temperature taken too before they enter the park also
It was on our local news in N.C. that Disneyworld may not reopen until 2021!
If that is how it was reported, your local station is not very good at reporting the news. That information about Disney possibly not reopening until 2021 is the mere opinion of one analyst, and nothing more.
I just think if they won’t be having fireworks or parades etc then they shouldn’t open until they can , it’s a lot of money for half the magic , I’m suppose to be travelling from U.K. on August 28th , it cost over £12500 for our trip , I’d be devastated if my kids experience was of no parades or shows that they’ve been watching excitedly on YouTube for the past 18 months , stay closed until it’s safe to open properly x
I wish the coffee maker could stay in the room. Just supply enough items for their stay. After all, the guest will be making the coffee their selves and washing their on cups. Same thought for the mini bar. Fill it up for what you think the duration will be. Guest will take care of themselves making their own drinks. Age 65 is just recommended not required. Depends on their health. Some 65 and older are in better condition than those less than 65 years old. I agree that every effort must be made to keep all safe but, part of the experience is receiving exceptional service. My family is coming in July and we are still looking forward to it. GO DISNEY!!!
I love Disney and visit every year. This year’s trip was planned for the end of May, which we obviously won’t be taking. I’m over 65 and resent the suggestion that I don’t go during phase 1 or 2. I personally think that phase 1 is the best time for seniors because the parks will be much less crowded, so the lines will be much shorter, making social distancing much easier to achieve. Less people also means less chance of contact and catching the virus. A lot of grocery stores in my area have taken this approach, reserving early store hours for seniors so we’re not shopping in crowded stores.
Probably the single worst attraction to choose to open first in America. It most certainly will draw visitors from all over the country who could get, or give infections, and then take the infection back to their hometowns. I’m looking forward to America opening up again, but Disney should be on the tail end of opening, not leading the charge. Of course, on the other hand, the childhood experience of going to Disney and have everyone wearing masks could be a cool Twilight Zone episode and will probably provide psychiatrists business for years to come.