On the sixth day of Christmas, Doctor Disney brought to you all…the Six enchanted lands of the Magic Kingdom!
The park that started it all – in Florida, that is – has seen a lot of change over the past 41 years of its existence, but the magic is always there in a capacity that we love and cherish. Upon stepping through those front gates, we are taken into a land of magic, old school, adventure, the wild west, turn of the century, fantasy, fairy tales, and tomorrow.
Technically, there are only six themed lands of the Magic Kingdom even though there are areas that have different names specifically for them. For those that aren’t entirely sure, check it out as it really is:
Main Street U.S.A.
- Fantasyland – Contains New Fantasyland and Storybook Circus
- Tomorrowland
- Liberty Square
- Frontierland
- Adventureland
There have been a few areas that no longer exist, but in reality, they were all just one area too. Remember Mickey’s Toon Town? How about Mickey’s Birthdayland? Maybe Mickey’s Starland? If you remember one of them, then you know all of them because they were all the same place.
Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom is a place that takes you away from the outside world entirely and brings you into a fantasy world that can let you be anywhere you want to be and not worry for a little while. That’s why you should always take every moment inside of those “walls” and cherish them so that you know exactly what it is like to be in a place where everything is good.
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