Looking to get married? Aren’t sure what type of ring you may want or want to buy your future bride? Disney obsessed?
Well, then you may need to take a look at some of these Disney engagement rings that have been found online, and can possibly be yours with a little searching and some cash.
There are a number of sites out there displaying these, but here are the majority of the ones that exist. Some of them are truly modeled after Disney Princesses or characters while others only seem similar to those they are supposed to resemble.
Some are designed by Gemvara, Verragio, Helen Brice and others. The slideshow below shows some of them, but if a designer isn’t listed…a little Googling will surely get you the into that you want.
The prices listed with some of the Disney engagement rings are not guaranteed and could vary depending on if you find the ring and who is selling it so be aware.
For now though, take a look at just what you may be wishing for.
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I find it offensive that Tiana’s ring is so inexpensive in comparison with all the others, at least all the ones that have posted prices. Is her ring less valuable, and why?
I have no idea why her ring is the price that it is. I also have no idea why the others are the prices that they are. As I said, I posted the pics I found and put them out there for everyone to see. Considering these rings were made by multiple designers, I sincerely doubt that Tiana’s ring was less expensive than the others for a reason.
MaxS…. I’m sure these were posted for entertainment. How could this possible offend you?! Get a grip ffs!
Wow…Max’s inane comment actually made me laugh out loud.
Anywhoo, I was able to find links to the Gemvara rings on this site (http://www.disneyengagementrings.net) but haven’t seen the others. Does anyone know where I can find those?
I haven’t been able to find Tiana’s ring for sale anywhere, however…I think Gemvara may have discontinued that style of ring.
It’s either that or Max S. may be onto something…I’m sure both scenarios are equally plausible.
Does anyone know where I can find Ariels ring, I love it
Probably the amswer to your question Max is any young adults that are old enough to be engaged did not grow up with Princess Tiana. I’ve never even seen that movie. The classic Disney princesses are obviously going to be more exoensive because those are the ones on demand. Dont make everything about race.
Omg Max… you are an idiot!!! It’s just a ring!!!!
They forgot Anastasia….
That’s because Anastasia is not a Disney Princess. She was created by Fox Animation Studios and distributed by 20th Century Fox. Plus she is a Grand Duchess, as the Russian Imperialists did not use the title Princess
I’m only seeing Cinderella’s. I’d like to see the rest as I LOVE Disney Princess colections. Please help.