Walt Disney World Vacation Packages No Longer Available With 1-Day Tickets

There has been another change that has gone into effect, and it’s that 1-Day tickets are no longer available with Walt Disney World vacation packages.

walt disney world vacation package 1-day ticket

As of March 9, 2016, 1-Day Tickets are no longer an option when booking a Walt Disney Travel Company package to the Walt Disney World Resort.

Guests can customize their package with a choice of ticket length from 2 to 10 days. Packages booked prior to Mar. 9, 2016 that are paid in full, have the required deposit(s) or are on a 3-day courtesy hold will not be affected unless modified to a new package.

This comes about not long after ticket prices increased and 1-day tickets also moved to seasonal pricing for Value, Regular, and Peak times of year.

For more details and to have the best vacation package for you, make sure to get in touch with My Mickey Vacation so they can give you even more details and take all the stress out of planning to create the magic for you.

They will make sure to connect all the dots and get everything in order for your next Walt Disney World or any Disney Destination vacation while saving you time, stress, and money..

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