NASA Is Sending Satellites To Mars And They’re Named After Wall-E And Eve

Believe it or not, Wall-E and Eve (Eva) are actually heading up into space and they will be on their way to Mars very soon. It’s not a new movie from Pixar or Disney, even though a sequel would be awesome, but NASA is the one in command on this journey.

nasa satellites wall-e eve eva names

Two smaller satellites have been launched into space by NASA and they have latched onto the Atlas V rocket to head toward Mars. Leaving from California, they’re heading to the red planet with the InSight lander and they have some familiar and cute names.

The satellites are named Wall-E and Eva just as the two adorable robots from the 2008 Pixar film Wall-E. For those wondering why one is named “Eva” and not “Eve,” well…think about it. How does Wall-E actually pronounce the name of his true love?

At this time, NASA isn’t entirely confident that the two satellites will make it unscathed on the journey, but the data they collect is still expected to help greatly as humans attempt to understand more about Mars.

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