Ever wish that one of your favorite Disney characters could call and bid you “good night” before you go to sleep? Well, for a limited time, you or your child can have a bedtime phone call from one of the most popular Disney friends including Mickey Mouse and the gang.
For a very limited time, you can dial in and have a bedtime phone call from Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Goofy, Donald Duck, or Daisy Duck. This will add a little bit of extra magic to bedtime and have the receiver going to sleep with a big smile on their face.
And just to help for those who may need it, the number you dial is 1-877-7-MICKEY or 1-877-764-2539.
The bedtime phone calls are only available from Aug. 6-31, 2018, so, don’t delay and miss a single night through the rest of the month.
When you call in, you’ll be given a short set of instructions before being given prompts to determine who you’d like to hear from for your bedtime phone call.
Make sure to get in touch with My Mickey Vacation Travel so they can give you even more details and take all the stress out of planning to create the magic for you.
They will make sure to connect all the dots and get everything in order for your next Disney Cruise Line, Walt Disney World, Disneyland, or any Disney Destination vacation while saving you time, stress, and money.
Join the “I’m So Disney…” group on Facebook to discuss this and many other Disney things with anyone and everyone. Be sure to follow Doctor Disney on Twitter and Instagram as well.
I would like arm for my sisters I have a good night call by all the characters this is her older sister and I think it would be really cool if my sister Alexiecould hear other voices so yeah can you please give him a call for night time for tomorrow .
It says to call in. The number is on the image above, next to Mickey.
Well if you’d like too
Call doesn’t go through
It’s probably very busy and a lot of people are calling.
I just tried again and it went through without issue.
So I think it may be the wrong number I called and some women answered and said people have been calling her all day and why oops
Called the number 12 times and all it says is that I have the wrong number. The number has been disconnected or is no longer availble, and the last time I got a not receiving calls at this time msg. My 2 year old was so excited. He is now crying and smacking and kicking me cause he said mommy lied. Thanks for making me a liar
Yes….I made you a liar based off of an image which comes directly from Disney.
Oh, just called the number again and it went straight through to the instructions and messages from Mickey and friends.
and allows a 2 year old to smack and kick her. Yeah…….he needs Mickey alright………
This is bullshit. We have tried since you posted this and not one time has it gone through.
Not sure why. Every single time I’ve seen someone say they can’t get through…I’ve tried it again and have never once had it fail.
Wow, if your child is kicking and hitting you because of a wrong number, you have more important things to worry about honey.
Exactly my thoughts. No discipline.
Nicole, maybe you need to learn how to spell M-I-C-K-E-Y. I will even help, 1-877-764-2539. Works just fine. Good luck with the child hitting you and calling you a liar…
This bitch Natalie

, maybe you need parenting classes or your child needs an excorcism. Parenting 101: never tell your child shit until it’s a definite, like if you tell your child a week in advance you are going shopping then plans changed unexpectedly why in the hell did you even tell them before you were in the car headed out shopping??? I swear to Jesus you are part of the problem today.
I’ve found parenting skills aren’t as easy for some as they are for others. Sometimes the parent is lacking a backbone rather than just no discipline. Parents without the parenting skills needed may resort to aggressive punishment. That kid learned that behavior from someone and the parent learned somehow to tolerate it. Being a friend or allowing a child to see you as a peer is a giant problem now and forever.
I also take note of WTF’s reply: Name calling over exaggerating and throwing religious rhetoric around only throws a shadow and causes shade on you and discounts your words.
Even if the number works for you now I hope you aren’t using it for your disrespectful child. Kicking and hitting his mother, if my son ever though about doing that he wouldn’t be getting a phone call from anyone but the cops telling him how disrespectful and bad that is to do to his one and only mother.
Wow! Never would i allow my children to get away with behaving that way. Get control over ur child now before it’s too late!!
You better smack that little disrespectful shithead right back!
Sounds like your child needs a good spanking. Hitting and kicking? Unacceptable. That’s a much bigger problem than not getting through to a phone number that does work. Maybe you should worry more about disciplining your child.
Worked for me did u do the 1877
Your kid needs to chill and you need to put the fear of God into him. Do not reproduce again
Lol sounds like someone needs an ass whoopin. Natalie get your little brat under control before it’s to late and he turns into a problem the police and judicial system have to deal with..
I wanted to listen before I put my kids to bed so I called just now. I LOVE IT!! So sweet and I know our little girl will love it tonight!!! Thank you SO much for this!
Worked no problem for me
I just phoned them at it worked. It’s adorable !
It worked great and my son loved it lol thanks
Love it

Sounds like you have other issues to deal with other than dialing the wrong number
What is the number to this idk if this is the right number or not my little girl would love to hear from minnie
The number in the image above is the correct number.
Whats the number my son would love it
Look at the image above.
I just called and my son listen to Mickey on the phone and was so excited
so, being paranoid here…how do we know this isnt like some weird scam going around to get phone numbers of homes with small children? with a phone number an address can easily be located
This is a number and offer directly from Disney.
If you feel sketchy about it, you don’t have to call.
Does this cost anything to call, or is it toll free?
It is free.
I don’t want to call afraid i get enough spam calls. Ya know they are logging the numbers for telemarking however its a very cute and cleaver idea combined good job Disney
Disney doesn’t have telemarketers or really have the need to do telemarketing.
This is on the Disney website so it’s really!!! Can’t wait to call for my granddaughter
I called it yesterday worked fine, will call again today also. I haven’t had any telemarketerz call me. If your scared don’t do it. Don’t answer numbers you don’t know, but if your worried about Disney tracking you, better worry about the real scammers who can get your number and scam you, the ones who says that they are the IRS, or the local police and your going to jail… Disney is awesome.
I called the number and I pushed the number to hear Goofy then I don’t understand what to push after you hear the message cuz it keeps telling me not valid can someone please help
Wow! A lot of sanctimommies in this thread!!! Parenting classes…. exorcism….. hopefully that individual does not have children of her own.
Just called it and it worked for me just fine!!
IT SAID I WON AN IPHONE OR PRESS 2 for additional offer which was for legal assistance after an accident.
No. No, it isn’t and no, it didn’t.
I’ve called the number many times. Just called it again. It’s directly from Disney.
Check the number you’re calling.
I just called 3 times in a row and got goodnight messages from Mickey, Minnie, and Goofy. Works perfect
What is the number? Cant find it and would let to call it.
The number is in the image with Mickey up above.
Why do people keep asking for the number?????? Read the article people.
the number above says welcome to frontier services press 1 for new customer 2 for existing. i press 1 it says enter zip i enter my zip and it says invalid zip… HELP??
That’s probably your phone. Smh.
The comments here are NUTS! This is obviously a pro Disney page and most of the comments are people that need Jesus!
Lmbo, Amen
My granddaughter loved it! The look on her face was priceless. Good job Disney!
It kind of sucks that it us only this month… yes, please call, start a nightly routine with it and then we will rake it away or start charging a ridiculous fee for it
I think it is cute, don’t get me wrong, my little one was thrilled. It will likely be a one time thing though in my house.
It works I got through
I wish this extended beyond the end of the month. My kiddos love it & look forward to it, helping with the craziness of bedtime. If anyone has sway, please ask to extend the nightly call line.
It works just fine. Directly thru Disney, not a scam. Most of these comments on here are downright rude and mean. Lighten up people
I called atleast 10 times and it says the number has been changed or disconnected.. I checked that I was dialing the correct number every single time also, still no luck
Uhm it works fine… Nice of Disney to do this. For the mom complaining that it didn’t work and now has to deal with an angry child hitting and kicking her… Sorry mom, you have bigger problems than the number not working… And for those who can’t figure out how to spell here is the number… 1-877-764-2539
Thank you, Doctor Disney! These comments…
Thanks for your patience. I called last night and will call nightly through the 31st. I am an adult and no little kids at home, but having a difficult time right now. Ot is nice to have a bright spot at the end of my day. Thanks for posting it and putting up with all the comments, as I would have otherwise not known.
Instead of putting her down about her parenting, why don’t you maybe gove advise on how to help. Even though the child doesn’t mean she’s a horrible parent or doesn’t discipline her child. People should be building others up and not bringing them down.
Thank you – this was great!! We called and talked to all 5 characters tonight!!
My little girl is 2 1/2. She does really good brushing her teeth, and getting ready for bed. However after the first time we called and she got to hear Minnie Mouse it got even easier. I’ll tell her ‘let’s hurry up and pick up your toys and get everything ready for bed so we can talk to Minnie Mouse. I’m actually kind of sad it’s only for a month because it makes her night to be able to talk to Minnie Mouse.
This is.magic to help our little 18 month old grandaughter fall asleep!! Nothngi else has worked! We ( me and our sons family) are annual passholders so Disney is an important part of our lives! How can we continue past August 31??? We are willing to pay for a subscripton!!! Pleas help!
Unfortunately, there is no subscription and this is merely a temporary thing.
I just got through twice with no problem. I don’t think some people know how to spell M-I-C-K-E-Y lol
Thank you so much for doing this my grandson loved it, I wish this extended beyond the end of the month. My grandson loved it & looked forward to it, .and the smile it brought to his face was awesome, he talked all day about who he was going to call, If anyone has sway, please ask to extend the nightly call line. lots would appreciate and love it im sure TYSM
Is this still going on
It is not. As stated above, it only ran through Aug. 31.
They should keep it going. My sister loved hearing all the characters voices. Now since they cut it out she is upset cause she can’t hear it anymore. You should have seen the smile on her face when she heard mickeys voice. I wish they would put the number back in business.
Please please please make this happen again! My twins were so disappointed when they called after September 1st only to be told the number was disconnected. They love calling every night!
Yes, it was only set to run through August 31.