Disney Confirms That Fox’s X-Men Will End With ‘Dark Phoenix’ – Mutants Will Be Rebooted For Marvel Cinematic Universe

After the acquisition of 21st Century Fox by Disney was complete, many comic book fans were excited about the idea of new characters joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While the thrill was there for X-Men to possibly crossover with the Avengers, but it appears as if things are going to change greatly before that happens.

dark phoenix x-men reboot marvel cinematic universe

A lot of fans thought they may see the long line of characters from the X-Men franchise head into the MCU once Disney took control. They’ve thought the same of DeadpoolFantastic Four, and others as well, but how is it going to happen?

While some are still yet to be determined, it appears as if Marvel is going to reboot the X-Men before bringing them into the MCU. Yes, the Dark Phoenix is going to be the end of this long franchise before things completely start over.

Dark Phoenix hits theaters on June 7, 2019, and fans of this current franchise had better enjoy it as it is. This will be the last time anyone sees the X-Men as they have known them for a very long time.

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