On Tuesday, there were some initial guidelines issued for how Florida could reopen amid the coronavirus pandemic. Wednesday morning brought a bit more information where it is now being said that Walt Disney World and other theme parks may be able to reopen “at their own discretion.”

A working group within the Orange County Economic Recovery Task Force met on Wednesday morning to discuss more reopening possibilities. During the conference call, Unicorp National Development president Chuck Whittall said that one draft approach basically said Disney and other theme parks could reopen on their own time.
“Theme parks and other venues of that magnitude shall each develop their own specific and unique set of guidelines following the CDC recommendations and using best practices that will protect the life, health, and safety of their employees and guests. They will be permitted to open at their own discretion with their internally determined level of safe capacities throughout the various phases.”
Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings agreed with this assessment and approach. He said that since Disney and Universal and others are much like small cities, they can make their own decisions. Still, they must still abide by some things before being able to reopen.
Demings said that the theme parks would still not be allowed to reopen before a reopening date was set for Orange County.
The working group is meeting each day this week and will continue to do so. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is set to announce some sort of reopening plans for Florida on Wednesday afternoon.
PLEASE NOTE that these are not the definitive guidelines for the reopening of the parks. This is the initial set of them and things could change before the final version is released.
ALSO, there is still no date for the reopening of the parks and we are awaiting that at this time.
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Good idea