Disneyland Resort To House COVID-19 Vaccination Super Site

The park of Disneyland Resort have been closed since mid-March and there is no known date for them to reopen. Now, it will become the location of a COVID-19 vaccination super site in Orange County, California.

disneyland covid-19 vaccination site

On Monday, it was announced that the Disneyland Resort will be the first large COVID-19 vaccination site, and it will open later this week.

The location is one of five in the county labeled as a “Point-of-Dispensing” site, or a “Super POD,” and each will have the capacity to vaccinate thousands of resident each day, county officials said in a news release.

“The Disneyland Resort, the largest employer in the heart of Orange County, has stepped up to host the county’s first Super POD site – undertaking a monumental task in our vaccination distribution process,” said Chairman of the O.C. Board of Supervisors Andrew Do.

Locations of other “Super PODs” will be announced later this week once agreements are finalized.

“Coronavirus has brought both a public health crisis and economic devastation,” said Anaheim Mayor Harry Sidhu in a written statement. “With this super site, we will begin to overcome both.”

Orange County states it aims to vaccinate all of its residents by July 4, 2021.

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