Five-year-old boy clinging to life after accident on Pirates at Disneyland Paris

Pirates of the Caribbean Disneyland ParisA five-year-old boy was said to be fighting for his life on Oct. 30, 2013, after an accident on the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction at Disneyland Paris.

The Daily Mail reported that a child from Montpelier is in critical condition at Necker Hospital in Paris after reportedly falling under a “machine” at the end of the attraction. It happened around 4:50 p.m. Paris time.

Reports state that emergency responders were called into the park after the boy, whose identity has not been revealed, became “trapped between a platform and a boat.”

Europe 1 radio network reports that the boy lost his balance and had fallen overboard from one of the Pirates of the Caribbean boats. At that point, he became stuck under the next boat in line and the one he fell off of.

His father did jump into the water and was able to free him.

A spokesperson for Disneyland Paris has confirmed the incident, but has not publicly commented on it.

“The incident took place in late afternoon. Our first aid services quickly intervened to provide him first aid. The attraction is temporarily closed and we stand with the family.”

Doctor Disney sends out prayers and hope that the child will be alright.


  1. Skyyhiflygirl says

    How did the boy end up there in the first place. Were the parents not making sure he was in his seat? Just saying. On Pirates, the ride is slow moving, A dip or two depending on location but then when it is over, just stay in your seat. If the child went over, as is claimed, Its because the parents were not paying attention and let him stand up and climb. . .I know this ride well. . .

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