Everything Happening For Walt Disney World’s ‘Incredible Summer’ At Epcot

The “Incredible Summer” at Walt Disney World is already underway, but there is much more to come as the sun rises high into the sky. Beginning on June 9, 2018, prepare for the Guardians of the Galaxy to take the stage and bring the best mix of hits you could possibly imagine.

guardians of the galaxy epcot walt disney world incredible summer

Beginning June 9, The Guardians of the Galaxy will take the stage at Epcot – Star-Lord and Gamora from “Guardians of the Galaxy” will join an alien band, taking guests on a journey through the cosmos. The party will feature hits from Awesome Mixtapes 1 and 2 – fun and favorite tunes from the two movies’ soundtracks – building the anticipation for a new Epcot Guardians of the Galaxy attraction.

Make sure to check the Times Guide at Epcot closer to the start date to see when you can catch all the fun.

See what else is happening for Walt Disney World’s “Incredible Summer” at:

Make sure to get in touch with My Mickey Vacation so they can give you even more details and take all the stress out of planning to create the magic for you.

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