Tales of a Former Cast Member: ‘NSYNC on the run in Frontierland

While working as a part of the Walt Disney World College Program back in the summer of 1999, I worked the Outdoor Food wagons in the Magic Kingdom and really loved what Disney had me doing. Past editions of “Tales of a Former Cast Member” told of my time as a stocker and also times […]

Disney Did You Know: Mr. Toad is still in the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World…a couple times

One of my favorite Disney attractions of all time is Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, and that is obvious by it being listed first on the page of “Lost” Walt Disney World. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh took over Mr. Toad’s location, and successfully pushed the guy out of Fantasyland. Well, not entirely. And […]

Doctor Disney Explains: The tale of the Hatbox Ghost from The Haunted Mansion

In July of last year, I did a “Doctor Disney Explains” article that detailed the Hitchhiking Ghosts trio, and who they really are. This year’s D23 Expo brought about an Audio-Animatronic of one of the most iconic ghosts ever from The Haunted Mansion in the Hatbox Ghost. Well, Doctor Disney feels it is time to […]

Disney Rides of Change: The changes of the Pirates of the Caribbean over the years

The series detailing “Disney Rides of Change” usually has something to do with attractions that are “lost” and have now been replaced by other attractions such as Kitchen Kabaret to Soarin’ and If You Had Wings to Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin. This edition is going to be about an attraction that is still in […]

Doctor Disney Remembers: The world’s largest Hidden Mickey

For those that love looking for Hidden Mickeys, well, they always have an even greater time at Walt Disney World because they’ve got an extra something special to search for. Over the years, through refurbishments and ride changes, some Hidden Mickeys have been altered, moved, or completely lost entirely. That includes the world’s largest Hidden […]

Disney Rides of Change: Kitchen Kabaret to Food Rocks to Soarin’

The first edition of “Disney Rides of Change” saw a look at how If You Had Wings came all the way through a number of refurbishments to become the current Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin. Well, it’s time to look at what came before another popular attraction and this time it’s at Epcot. So, let’s […]

Doctor Disney Explains: Getting stopped while on Disney attractions – Why does it happen?

Have you ever been on a Disney attraction and heard this warning: “Attention! Please remain seated. This ride has stopped temporarily and could resume moving at any time.” How about this one: “Playful spooks have interrupted our tour. Please remain seated in your…Doom Buggy. We will proceed in just a moment.” Well, if you have, […]

Disney Myths – Fact or Fiction: Find a paint brush on Tom Sawyer’s Island, get a FASTPass

One of the Walt Disney World myths that may not be known too much has to do with Tom Sawyer’s Island (TSI) over at the Magic Kingdom. It is a place that some people forget is even there, and they’re actually missing out on one of my favorite attractions. Tom Sawyer’s Island has caves and […]

Tales of a Former Cast Member: Don’t mess around with the Cast Members

When working at Walt Disney World for my first WDWCP, it was a great experience, but one that still took a lot of learning on my part. Even though I was working at popcorn and ice cream, there was a lot that needed to be taken in and implanted in my brain. One of those […]

Tales of a Former Cast Member: Lost treasure at Typhoon Lagoon

So far, my “Tales of a Former Cast Member” columns have been funny or strange and even somewhat familiar for some people. This week’s is a bit different though as it is probably one of my favorite tales during my time working at Walt Disney World, and it is a heart-warming one at that. My […]

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